A Family Business that builds and restores communities.
The most valuable resources at W&T are the personnel.
Leadership team alignment is critical to our organization.

Wiley Richards
Wiley primarily serves as a Sr. Project Manager and Operations Coordinator in addition to managing many of the day to day activities of owning and operating a small business.
He works closely with field and office staff, clients, and other organizations on a daily basis to ensure that W&T is a strong team and is building great relationships.
He promotes a ‘learning’ atmosphere by providing an environment that allows for continuous improvement of processes and skill sets.

Terrell Richards
Terrell primarily serves as a Sr. Construction Manager to ensure proper personnel and equipment are utilized, technical and safety specifications and protocols are followed, and oversee Quality Control and Quality Assurance standards are met.
He is dedicated to ensuring that all workers go home safely every day and that any work performed within range or access to the public is carried out in a safe manner.
His almost three decade career in the industry has helped him make sound business decisions in the construction industry.

Nathan Stengel, E.I.
Nathan Stengel is responsible for scheduling, planning, forecasting, resourcing and managing all field service activities and data management to assure project accuracy and quality from commencement to completion. He also completes data review and Quality Control as well as the direct support to field crews when collecting data.